Sunday, August 15, 2010

Thinning the Herd

The office is beginning to look like an office -- well, the Crimefighter's office is beginning to look like an office. I'm still one big trip to a Swedish paradise in America away from success in my own office, but this is how it is sometimes.

I carted out 24 boxes of books and put them on the shelves. I'll have to move almost all of them when I get my own space tricked out, but at least there's a lot more cardboard in the garage than in the house.

Every so often, I go through my books and decide which relationships I want to continue and which books would be happier in someone else's family. I've read all of these, but I won't bore you with my summation. It's Sunday, it's late, and this is what all those people at amazon get paid for anyway.

Same deal as last time -- if you want them, they're yours forever. I'll even send them to you. All I ask is that you feed them well and love them as I did, if only briefly.

In no particular order:

  • The Inn at Lake Devine by Eleanor Lipman'
  • Life After Genius by M. Ann Jacoby
  • The Prada Paradox by Julie Kenner
  • The Year of Disappearances (Ethical Vampire Series #2) by Susan Hubbard
  • Bed of Roses by Nora Roberts
  • Blonde Roots by Bernardine Evaristo
  • Hacking Harvard by Robin Wasserman (YA)
  • Lightening Thief by Rick Riordan (YA)
  • The Case of the Missing Books (Mobile Library Mystery #1) by Ian Sansom
  • Mr. Dixon Disappears (Mobile Library Mystery #2) by Ian Sansom

  • The Crimes of Charlotte Bronte by James Tully
  • Beautiful Boy by David Sheff
  • The Film Club by David Gilmour

I'll give you my version of the skinny on any of them if you are interested. Catch me through email or on facebook. There will be more soon, I'm sure.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What you Should and Shouldn't be Watching -- are we there yet?

If you think the repetition of the blog content is boring, you should try being in a cast and having nothing to do BUT anticipate the next time the cable gods feel motivated to post a new show. We are, if all goes well and I mess nothing up, 9 days away from The Great Liberation of Suzanne's Ankle. Let's hope I do nothing stupid. Well, one can always hope.

This week, in creative alphabetic order:

Neighbors from Hell: This is a trippy little cartoon I stumbled upon a few weeks ago. It airs on TBS, and I was surprised that it is the only On Demand show I watch from the channel. TBS might want to look into expanding the other programs they offer on demand. I think I watch a lot of the channel. If you had asked me, I would have equated it with TNT or USA. Not true, apparently. If Neighbors from Hell is their only new programming, they might want to up the budget. The premise is one of those that sounds stupid to everyone who isn't me. I lurve subversive cartooning (having watched The Simpsons since it was filler on The Tracey Ullman Show), and Matt Groening is one of the minor deities in my Pantheon. He sits just behind and to the left of Joss Wheedon. The premise of NFH is simple: Balthasar is a regular, working-class demon in hell, just trying to get by and raise his family of two kids, a wife, and a dog while also taking care of a wacky gay uncle. He is an average working schmo who breaks one of Hell's cardinal rules -- he watches television for pleasure. Television is banned everywhere except as a form of torture because, as the Devil informs us, "that'll rot your brain. That's the truth." Caught watching television, he and his clan are exiled from hell and charged with living on Earth. Balthasar is ordered to stop the creation of a powerful drill that, eventually, will drill to the Earth's core (which is, incidentally, hell). Of course, when the demons reach the surface, we learn that they may be the nicest people around. Everyone connected to the corporation perfecting the drill is, of course, far more demonic than anyone known in hell. "Hilarity" ensues. NFH isn't terrible, but the premise is a little done. It doesn't have that subtle hand that Whedon had (when Spike battles and wins his soul on Buffy, the Vampire Slayer and turns out.... exactly as he was before, well, THAT was subtle genius). This is OK. It isn't Groening or MacPharlane, but it's cute.

Parenthood: I started watching Parenthood for the most noble of reasons: it is Peter Krause's new show, and I feel the need to always support my tv boyfriend. That said, I think Parenthood is really outstanding. It stars Coach as the patriarch of a family not necessarily falling apart but definitely fraying thanks to a host of society's problems. Krause plays Adam Braverman. He has two sisters: the chick from Gilmore Girls and the chick from Swimfan. He also has a brother, played by Dax Shepard. The four Braverman children are close, but all face what I consider to be fairly realistic trials. The Gilmore Girls chick, Sarah, married the wrong guy too young and is now raising two teenagers. The other sister, Julia, is a high powered lawyer struggling to find her place as a mother. Adam and his wife have a teenage girl and a younger son diagnosed in the first episodes as autistic. The brother, Crosby, discovers he has a son from a previous relationship. Although I am not a parent and have no immediate plans to be one, I really like the acting on this show. The characters are believable; the storylines compelling. As I don't have a large immediate family, I find the patterns of communication to be interesting. The series is definitely trying to be the thirtysomething of this decade. It has only been on for one season, but it just might resonate that much. The interplay between the characters, especially the question of balancing caring for your kids and caring for your parents, draws in the viewer.

Pawn Stars: The only reality tv entry this week, and by far my favorite. Pawn Stars is Antiques Roadshow for boys. It stars Rick, owner of Gold & Silver Pawn Shop in Las Vegas, NV (there's a picture of me and the Crimefighter out in front of it -- PRE-broken leg. Am waiting to get it), his Old Man, and his employees: his son Big Hoss, and Chumlee. I won't attempt to mimic the dialogue, but the interplay between Rick, his family, and his "friends" (appraisers) makes the show worthwhile. It was really fun to see the things I watched him purchase on tv sitting in the store. PS -- the cast ARE in the pawn shop. If you are in Vegas, stop by mornings Monday through Friday.

Rizzoli & Isles: This is a hidden treat for the summer. On TNT, Rizzoli & Isles is a standard cop drama starring Angie Harmon (who I love) and Sasha Alexander (had to look it up -- never seen her before) as a Homicide cop and medical examiner. On one level, it is just a typical cop drama bred with a little bit of "tomboy is friends with a fashionista" thrown in for good measure. That said, the relationship between the two is interesting. There are factual holes you have to ignore or look past (the medical examiner rides to the scene of the crime with the cop? Routinely? I don't think so.) but the show presents some interesting cases. They are tied to contemporary society but not so shamelessly "ripped from the headlines" as cases on Law & Order have become. No one on this show will play "Radio Shock Jock Harold Stren" and insult your intelligence like L&O can do on occasion. (I would like to interject that the L&O where the person who was supposed to be Anne Coulter met a foul end did not make me feel entirely despondant, but hey, I'm only human, unlike Anne Coulter). I would definitely recommend this one, no matter what the Crimefighter says. (His review here: "Chick show." My boy and his wordiness!)

Royal Pains: Summertime television should all be so much fun (sort of like summer itself). I adore Royal Pains! The first season got off to a sort of rocky start last year, but this show has completely hit its stride this summer. This is the story of two brothers: Hank and Evan Lawson (played so deliciously by Mark Feuerstein and Paulo Costanza). Hank is a doctor in the city when one mistake costs him his practice. Enter his financial "guru" (brother Evan) who secures them a chance to open a concierge medical practice in the Hamptons. Last season was a bit rough because there was this whole "what is going on with the crazy rich guy who hired us" thing. I believe the creators realized that the wacky overly odd residents of the Hamptons (those who bought there way in and those who were born to serve those who bought their way in) were enough. The show didn't really need a larger mystery. Why is there a shark in Boris' basement? No one cared. Now that the show has, ostensibly, dropped the more ridiculous storylines and focused on the more believable stories, it has only aged well. So, all in all, a wonderful show. If that isn't enough, did I mention it has Mark Feuerstein in the lead roll? (For those who listened to me and checked out Drop Dead Diva on Sunday.... the actress who plays Deb now has a recurring role on Royal Pains. Yea for her!)

For me, this is actually short. This is because, for all my love of television, my love of books remains stronger, and the Crimefighter took me to the library last night. I picked up 5 new ones and am almost through the first. Perhaps soon I'll have a list of what you should be reading, and all will once again be right with the world.

  • Neighbors from Hell: Okay. For serious adult cartoon fans only. Not nearly as "subversive" as it believes itself to be.

  • Parenthood: On repeats now, but definitely worth a watch. If nothing else, you get to see my tv boyfriend.

  • Pawn Stars: Antiques Roadshow for boys. Cool for girls as well.

  • Rizzoli & Isles: A fun summer cop series. Definitely worth checking out.

  • Royal Pains: One of my favorite summer shows. Cable in the summer is definitely more interesting than the networks in the fall or spring.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

What you Should and Shouldn't Be Watching Redux

OK, so the Richard-McCarthy's are playing host to Lovey the Labrador this weekend. As I had always suspected, having two dogs is proving easier than having one. After the first Meet-N-Greet (which, OK, did involve a little bit more humping than polite company would consider pleasant) which lasted about 10 minutes, they began to play in respectable ways while FoodGirl (that's my DogName) cleaned the kitchen. Now, they've settled into their respective corners and are snoozing peacefully in the late morning sun. I'm also thrilled that, for once, there's another lady in the house. Testosterone land has another female influence, if only for the day.

So, just in case this is only the calm before the storm (and Gerry is out buying manythings at manystores.... I don't ask anymore), I thought I would seize the opportunity to continue my list of what you should and should not be watching. Summation to follow at the end since I'm beginning to realize I'm a wordy little girl when stuck in the house. Here goes:

Austin and Santino: OK, this wasn't a show I immediately gravitated towards. In fact, had I not fallen asleep during Project Runway and woken up to it, I might not have even been aware of its existance. In short, two designers ("well-known, internationally famous" according to the promos. Then again, if you are really well-known and internationally famous in a good way, you probably aren't doing a reality show on Lifetime. I mean, Ralph Lauren barely had time to visit his cars when they were on vacation at the Boston MFA. I don't see him driving around to film a series of shows. But I digress). They are two former winners of Project Runway, so not exactly "internationally acclaimed" so much as "reality show winners with better personalities than most." The premise is that they drive around and make gowns for deserving women who wouldn't otherwise have gowns for whatever their big occasion is. First off, I should say that this show is NOT for homophobes. These guys are definitely one of a kind, and they do have an amazing chemistry and the ability to make nice dresses in short amounts of time, but they're gay. Really really gay. Super gay. Cape wearing, jumping tall buildings in a single bound, it's-raining-men gay. If you can't handle that, then don't watch. As a favor, don't judge them. You were warned. There are a bazillion channels on cable, and plenty enough space for two gay guys to do a little show on a chick network where they make deserving women happy. Turn the channel; I'm sure someone somewhere is killing something one one of them.

The winning part of this show has got to be the dialogue. The characters wear their respective absurdity with aplomb. An example I snagged from the web:

Sadie's Dad (a rodeo clown): I wear makeup, tights, and I work at night.
Austin: Me too, sometimes.
Santino: Do you think we'll still be friends after this adventure?
Austin: I certainly hope so....
Santino: because I wish I could quit you.
"I always wanted to live in a castle; I just never thought it would be in Texas" -- Austin
"The last time I was in a castle? I don't know, White Castle?" -- Santino

All in all, an amazingly fun show, again, if it's your thing. Austin is quite unnerving. He seems to be a cross between Andy Warhol and some sort of Olympic-caliber mentalist. Santino often plays his straight man, although far from straight, but has his own emerging personality on the show. I find it very funny.

Drop Dead Diva: I'm almost embarrassed how much I like this show. Premise is that Deb, a fashion model, about to be engaged to the lawyer love of her life, is killed in a car accident. Simultaneously, Jane, a hard working, underappreciated, plus sized, very smart but shy lawyer takes a bullet for her boss who is about to be shot by a disgruntled former client. In Heaven, we learn that your Guardian Angel weighs your good deeds versus your bad deeds and the balance determines whether you go up or down. Deb turns out to be the first completely neutral person (equal good/ bad) and causes the staff of the Pearly Gates to pause and shake their heads, during which time, she hits the "reutrn" button and is sent back to Earth. Unfortunately, she returns to Jane's body. And this is the point at which you are shaking your head and saying, "Seriously? How drunk ARE you all summer?" I know. Stupid premise. That said, I like this show. I like Brooke Eliot. She's infectious as Jane.

The one thing that made me keep watching this show is that, after one or two episodes, it almost totally stopped being about weight. I was intrigued by this. I, too, am tired of the hidden messages in so many shows that present us with a fat girl who is really sweet where we are supposed to look past the fat, and everyone on the show learns a valuable lesson. The reason I hate those is because, almost universally, there's the message underlying the underlying message that while we love the fat girl, it really IS a shame she's fat, depsite all our growth. We're almost always taught to be good people and love the fat girl DESPITE her fat. That "despite" is a big one, and it's overdone and more than a little harmful. DDD has proven to be more than "skinny girls have it easier, and we need to look past the fat to the heart of gold." That's trite, and I think DDD is a little more. Deb's former fiance works in Jane's law firm, and we can see his increasing attraction to Jane. We see him warring with his feelings for her when society tells him that he needs someone who looks more like Deb did. Mostly, though, this is another idealistic lawyer show where even bad people wind up doing the right things (in the firm at least), and it has caught my attention. I think this is inherently watchable, after you choke down the incredibly stupid premise.

The Glades: I started watching The Glades simply because a friend of mine was friends in college with a guy who works on the show. I've done more stupid things for much more lame reasons, so deal with it. It's just another cop show set in Miami (what is it with Miami?.... for about three years it was THE place to set your new show -- Burn Notice, Dexter, and others. The pendulum swung to Boston this year, but we'll get into that.) Apparently, Miami was happening up until this year, tv setting wise. I would also like to point out that I would buy the fourth video wall (see: Fahrenheit 451 for the reference; it won't kill you; it's a short book) if, somehow, Dexter showed up as a cop on Burn Notice (you remember Burn Notice, right? You bought the DVDs and watched them all yesterday) or we caught an image of Michael Weston watching Dexter cut someone up. He's a spy; he could get away without Dexter noticing and go back to his show.

Anyway, I like The Glades, but I don't love it. It is exactly like every other cop drama out there, except with jeans and short sleeved shirts. Loose cannon cop gets in trouble in the big city, moved to the Everglades thinking it will be easier, finds a big string of murders (serious message to all television-city HR departments: NEVER hire someone from the big city to be a cop in yours. This is when the murders happen, people...... Stay sharp.). The murders are drug related and gang related and nothing too out there. There's a love interest, natch, and a little kid (son of the love interest) to act as non-threatening sidekick who, because he's a kid, has wisdom beyond his years. If this is your thing, you will get more of your thing. It's little else, though. Too bad. I loved when I saw the name of my friend's friend not only in the credits but also on a nametag in a scene in episode 4.

Haven: This is Steven King's hard crime novella Who Shot the Colorado Kid? made into a mini-series. FBI agent goes in for one case; things get weird; we learn that the town has a history of creep. Pretty typical King. I will say that King's writing usually does better with the time given to a mini-series rather than movies (the exception, of course, being The Shining). This is interesting, and I hope they continue it. It's a little X-Files and a little cop drama. I've heard King's book is disappointing in the end, and I think this show may improve it as they are able to do some interesting stuff visually that doesn't come through in King's book. Again, I haven't read the book, but the people I got the info from are pretty good sources. King is a concise writer, not given overmuch to description. This means that a good director can do a lot of personal things with the bones of a King story. I like Haven. The cases are interesting, and they stand alone which is nice if you miss a week. If you like creep, it really isn't bad. Plus, it features Claire's creepy boyfriend from Six Feet Under (the one into whose locker Clair put the foot??? Ack!), and I missed him. He's creeptastically wonderful, if a bit underused at this point. I don't know the name of the main actor, but he's trying really hard to be Peter Krause, and I believe this is the goal all men should have (Peter Krause formerly of Six Feet Under and Dirty, Sexy Money and now of the wonderful Parenthood which will be discussed later is my #1 TV boyfriend, FYI).

Leverage: OK. This is my must watch for this post. I LOVE Leverage (because I'm a child of the 80s, perhaps). Leverage is, essentially, a remake of The A-Team with better adjusted characters. I should admit that I started watching Leverage because it stars Timothy Hutton. Lore in my family is that Timothy Hutton's mother worked with my mother as a teacher when my Mom was first married. Mrs. H had Timothy, my Mom had Dawn, and they had playgroups together. Whether or not this is actually true, I have no idea, but my sister and I both watch anything starring him now. Sometimes, this causes us to lose hours we sort of wish we had back, but not in this case. Leverage is always time well spent. Anyway, the Huttons are not family friends or anything, but it's an interesting tidbit. Leverage features a gang of five who help the less fortunate get back at the powers that be when the powers that be wrong them. So far, the gang has taken on those "big bads" of contemporary society, and I appreciate that the "big bads" come from all ends of the political spectrum. This is a show about those in power versus those without, which I am ALL about. They've shown the evil in Big Pharma and militia groups, politicians, and others we all love to hate. The group consists of "The Hitter," "The Hacker," "The Grifter," "The Thief," and "The Brain (Hutton)." The Hitter is Christian Kane who I originally thought played The Groosalugg on Angel but, upon IMDB surfing I came to realize was actually Lindsay McDonald (a much more major character, but nowhere near as cool as being able to say "The Hitter, who you may remember as the Groosalugg....,"), but again I digress..... Anyway, the others aren't actors from my TV addicted past, but they are also funny. Who can't get behind the idea of getting back at the nameless, faceless powers in our society? Smart show to launch in a suck economy.

So, that's it for today. The babies are getting restless and the Crimefighter is home, so I'm out. To recap:

  • Austin and Santino: Watch it, unless you are a homophobe. Funny as hell. You won't care about the design part at all, but the boys are a hoot and a half.
  • Drop Dead Diva: Totally worth getting behind if you can get past the premise (just don't watch the Pilot, and you're golden). More than it seems at first.
  • The Glades: If you like cop dramas, here's another. Nothing to separate it from the others.
  • Haven: Good for the creepy set. It's not X-Files yet, but it tries. It has good bones to stand on as it springs from King, and he's always good for a shiver.
  • Leverage: Go. Watch. Now. If I could drive, I would have the DVDs from past seasons (IMDB says it started in 2008. If that's true, I've missed a season and would love to see it.)

As you can see, we're going alphabetically (and sometimes I backtrack if I forget one or add in a new one from earlier in the letters). Unless there's a new addition (or The Great Dog Meltdown of 2010), I'll continue tomorrow with Parenthood, Pawn Stars, Neighbors From Hell, Rizzoli and Isles, and Royal Pains. Spolier: Tomorrow's list is predominantly squee with only a little WTH?

Back to the furries.....

Friday, August 6, 2010

What you should and shouldn't be watching

Every writing teacher in the history of the world tells every fresh faced writing student to write what they know. This becomes a problem with a broken leg. See, for 6-8 weeks, you know nothing new. Not easy to find inspiration when you aren't so fresh-faced anymore (did I mention that even showering is a pain in the ass in a cast?). Still, I realized that there are SOME things I'm fairly certain I know better than most.

Don't worry. I won't bore you with the various levels of itching. For one thing, I have become convinced that there is no upper limit to how bad itching can be, and to write about it as if there is just tempts fate. I passed "cry like a loony" weeks ago, and I have no desire to take it to the next level. Let's just say my insides are still safely on the inside and not popping out of me, but not for my lack of effort.

The other thing I have become expert on is summer television. When you move to a house in New Hampshire, the cable deals (at least for the first Halcyon 6 months) allow for a lot of channels for far less than the "standard rate" (although it is never quite the same amount each month, but that's a rant for another time), so, suffice it to say I have everything but Showtime and the really dirty channels. So, here's my list. If you are my target audience (people my age who are me) then you can trust my judgement. For the rest of you, there's a short justification.

American Pickers: This is a fun little show, if it's your thing. This is my Partner in Crime's car wreck. It scares the shit out of him (because of my love of yard sales and all things thrift store), but he can't stop watching it. He won't admit it, but I have the link to the AP website because he sent it to me. Premise: You know that eyesore house in the country near your town? That one where the furniture outside the house was originally intended to be inside the house? That house that looks, even from the outside, to be FULL (not cluttered, FULL)? Well, two guys go to that house/ barn/ salvage yard and pick through it looking for "treasure." I have to admit that even for me, yard sale/ thrift store lover, I wondered if there really was a market for rusted out bike frames and tattered signs from products not made in this century. Then, on a well-needed outing courtesy of The Manda, we found ourselves in a Cracker Barrel waiting for Southern food in a Northern Climate. We talked about the stuff on the walls and had an iPhone handy. Turns out, there IS a guy who buys this kind of stuff, (see and click on Decor) and his name is Larry Singleton. What can I say? Two nerds with an iPhone and a long wait for ham and biscuits is a dangerous combination.

Burn Notice: Watch this show. Seriously. Go out right now and buy the DVDs and catch up. Jeffrey Donovan (from humble little Amesbury, Massachusetts) and his fellow castmates are my favorite summertime treat. This is about what happens when someone somewhere (no one knows who) screws up and the blame falls on a spy. Think McGyver in a much more attractive package with a hint of the A-Team and a big splash of Mission: Impossible (without a trace of Tom Cruise, if M:I is a movie and not a tv show to you). If you just can't swing Jeffrey Donovan's way, my Partner in Crime says Gabrielle Anwar isn't too tough to look at either. One word of warning, though: dispose of any thoughts concerning Sam Axe -- he belongs to The Manda (I don't get it either, but I don't want to start any turf wars over here. The Manda fights dirty, and she has absolutely no conscience about these things. Ask anyone.) Seriously. Watch it. Stop reading and go out right now and buy the DVDs. Maybe Hulu, if you can't drive (like me!).

OK..... Now, that you've gotten and watched those.......

The Colony: I liked Season One of The Colony. I really did. An interesting premise. We run around convinced everyone is out to get us. Washington, we are convinced, is driving to hell and carrying us along with them so they can get into the carpool lane. This show asks if, when the shit hits the fan, would we know how to survive? They isolate the cast for a week (even from each other) and then set them loose on an abandoned few acres in an area of LA (really? abandoned LA? Whatever.) and then charges them with rebuilding humanity (because 12 people, at least 5 of them over childbearing age, could do that). As I said, an interesting premise. Season One did appear to be a little scripted. I'm just not sure I believe that an out of work actor all of 23 years old from New York City would know how to filter water through charcoal and sand. I kind of knew that, but only because of growing up in a house of way too many fishtanks. Even then, I'm not sure I would have transferred the knowledge if the "experts" hadn't likened the cast's contraption to the working of a fish tank filter. Even if I HAD thought of the idea, I know what fish tank filters look like when you forget to clean them for a while, so I don't know if I would have felt good about the water. Then again, TV asks you, especially in reality programming, to suspend your concept of reality at least a little, so season one was OK. That said, Season two is rubbing me the wrong way. First of all, this season talks of a viral attack rather than something artillery/ bomb realted. This means that quaratines (12 hours) are in effect any time the cast comes up against someone outside their group. I've only seen one episode (because the channel seems to be a little stingy in getting their airings to On Demand) and it involved a lot of people standing around. Secondly, rather than a manufactured sound studio in LA, they are using a real destroyed town in Louisiana. They talk about how the town was "abandoned" and I can't help but wonder if the people who owned those homes are being compensated while the cast of this show tears down the shells of their buildings,etc. The truth is I don't know, and I don't want to label blame where none is due, but I would have liked to know just how much I'm exploiting people with my viewing. I might watch anyway, but it is less likely.

Covert Affairs: This is a new show this summer. There are things that are worse, but I'm not sure if I would have watched more than one episode if I weren't stuck in a cast. It's a pretty well-worn path, concept-wise. Girl goes to Bali and has a big huge love affair, wakes up one day to find Dreamguy gone and decides that the answer is to close off her heart forever. How do you do that? Well, you join the CIA, of course. I don't like the "everything in my life is in some way informed by my love life and no matter what I accomplish I would give it all up if Dreamguy would just get in touch with me" schtick. Like I said, it's tired. I would have loved it if she'd joined the CIA so that later she could use the facial recognition software to find said asshole and at least make him pay for the hotel bill he ran out on...... but I digress. It's an interesting spy show, I guess, but there are better ones. If you're in a cast, though, check it out. There are worse ways to spend your time and take your mind off the incessant itching.

Design Star: I admit I have a weakness for Design Shows. I got into this on Tuesdays (no classes scheduled) last semester. As with Project Runway (which we might talk about in a later post as there's no WAY I'm getting through all these in one post), I kind of glaze over during a lot of reality programming. On this show, I tune out the drama and only focus on the assignment, the reveal, and the judges reaction. This makes DS a perfect show to be in the background while I'm creating assignments or planning the following week. I don't have enough emotion about reality show contestants in general to ever have my mood altered. I mean, I have opinions, but people who seem to develop real emotions connected to reality tv actors kind of scare me. That said, this is hosted by the cool Genevieve Gorder and the fabulous Vern Yip, and anyone who has known me since my former obsession with Trading Spaces knows I like Genevieve and I LOVE Vern Yip. There is also that host of Divine Design, but she adds nothing to the show for me. I think she's kind of bitchy. I mean, they ask these people to design a whole room using only shit you buy in a Oriental grocery store and she has the nerve to say, "It doesn't really look like a finished room?" No shit it doesn't look like a finished room, but the fact that the guy dyed rice and lined it up with precision to mirror Berber carpet is worth more than your scorn! I've seen your show. Of course you do it better. You get real carpet, twelve staff helpers who never get screen time, and unlimited budgets. He had rice and food coloring! So, this is a fun show, perfect for On Demand. Don't rearrange your life and pop popcorn when it's on the network, but catch it On Demand when you are folding laundry or doing some other menial task.

Ok -- that's the first 5. The post is long, and this gives me incentive to keep it going into another day. Perhaps by the time I get through all the shows (about 20-25 at last count..... 7 weeks is a LONG time, and I still have many that didn't make it through more than 2 shows -- I won't slam something I didn't give at least 2-3 viewings).

To recap:

  • American Pickers -- If the premise sounds good, watch it. If you like freaky people, you'll like it. Otherwise skip.
  • Burn Notice -- You've already watched the first three seasons on DVD like I told you, so I know you're hooked
  • The Colony -- Meh. Don't bother unless you believe that the world is actually ending and you want survival tips.
  • Covert Affairs -- If you're in a cast, it will pass an hour..... you know, or if you really like mild misogyny
  • Design Star -- On Demand, when you are doing something else and want white noise