I haven't had a neighborhood neighborhood since I moved from the south. People here stay local in terms of friends, even if they move. If you didn't play pee wee hockey with them, it's seemingly pointless to even try. Still, people fascinate me and trash day is a little voyeuristic glimpse into the lives of people who are probably more interesting than they even know.
These are the things I discovered just today:
- The people who live next door to Old Mrs. Hurvitz (the second) either lost a hamster this week (the cage was in the trash, not the hamster) or upgraded one to better digs. I find this funny because they are the one house that complains when Boogie poops on their lawn (I ALWAYS pick up -- it's the law, and it's conscientious). Seriously? You have a rodent living IN YOUR HOME, and my dog's poop for a split second on your lawn is gross? Whatever.....
- The old threesome who lives at the end of Union St. has not died. They do not have a car, and I worry about them. I haven't seen trash since the summer began, and I wondered. Today, finally, they had one bag.
- The people who live just before the trashless old people on Union street (who are very nice and have the funniest looking terrier mix I have ever encountered -- and I'm the sister of a vet who collects and passes on the motliest of the motley dogs you can imagine) must have either a much more vivid social life than the Crimefighter and I, or else they are RAGING alcoholics. They had 2 recycling tubs filled with half gallon whiskey bottles. Then again, the economy is harsh right now, and sometimes drinking at home is the most one can afford. My suspicion is the former.
- The old guy who plays his banjo on his porch on summer nights (and reminds me of my grandfather who often did the same thing playing the same songs) buys Vienna Sausages in bulk. I do have to wonder what kind of person does that.
- The kid on the corner of West and Union (the one with the swing set I have to drag Boogie by quickly for hygienic reasons) has graduated from diapers to pull-ups. Yea for you, little man.
- The Crimefighter and I are not the only ones in the neighborhood who produce more recyclables than trash. With the exception of my delusional neighbor, almost everyone on all 5 streets Boogieman and I traverse had at least twice the amount of recycling containers as trash containers.
Which begs the question..... why the hell aren't our taxes going down?
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